TeddyAfro is heading to South Africa, Johannesburg to perform World Tour Tikur Sew Concert on Jan 19th, 2013. The purpose of this concert is to use this historic moment to support The Ethiopian National Football Team on their journey to The 2013 African Cup of Nations. Our national football team qualified for CAF after 31 years of absence. Unfortunately we are forced to cancel Jan 19th “Tikur Sew Concert” in Oakland due to the support to our national team on such occation. We apologize to our fans around Bay Area and in Oakland for this incidence. Please visit our website or Facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/TeddyAfroMusic) for the updated event dates.
My name is Siya also known as Saleel and am working with a radio show down here in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am wondering if possible we can be able to get Mr Teddy Afro in Studio for an interview. Please let me know.
Much Appreciated.
It would be an Honour having him I Studio.
While we take the news of Teddy AFro coming to SA as one of the greatest news (besides our Ethiopian team being here) I would like to know if it is true that Teddy is going to display TPLF logos and suppot sign…If this is true, trust me this will fuel fight and non sense here so I think Teddy should be neutral and not displa any propaganda…he comes here as a team suppot and not a politician, please let me know what is going on. Ethiopians here are talking about that all over, I am a newspaper editor here and was going to address a nice artilcle on Teddy’s venue but now I am tempted to refraiin of writing anything as this will create for myself and others here othe problem with the ethiopian community here (quite a number) who are ready to march out against the concert if Teddy will engage in TPLF propaganda machine…the news is now going all around and friends of TEdy are apparently mad at him…What is the Manager doing? If you read me, I think you owe Teddy’s audience a clear press release and explanation. The team needs support not politics , 31 years after we made it through…very concerned Ethiopian living in SA . Thank you