It was the most awaited event of the year, a wedding which many wanted to be a part of. The engagement of the most beloved Ethiopian artist Teddy Afro was a hot issue for months and his nuptials to Amleset Muche on September 27 took over social media.
Within few minutes into the wedding, pictures of the newlyweds popped up on the internet. Fans of the artist shared the photos on Facebook with congratulatory comments. Different websites covered events of the day updating their visitors about every move of the couple.
The wedding of Teddy and Amleset was so enthralling that it attracted the attention of Radio stations as well. They jumped on the story to inform their audiences about events taking place on the day. With special emphasis to the couple’s donation to Ethiopian National Association of Persons with Disabilites, the media praised the performance of different legendary artists and the decoration of wedding hall at Hilton Hotel, where the dinner party was held.
Fans of Teddy Afro will have the chance to congratulate the artist as he will be performing in Addis just after 18 days(Oct 20th 2012) at what is expected to be concert of the year
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