Our first time show in Finland was very successful. They say, “First impression is important”, Helsinki’s fan impressed us with great fans, perfect venue and sound system. It was Teddy Afro’s and Abugida band honor to be in Finland with such great fanS. We would like to thank our fanS, Ethio Market, and T Promotion for such wonderful organization. Our last but not least show in Europe for this season will be in Rome, Italy on Aug 31st 2013. ARE YOU READY ROME?!!!
What A night! Thank you Teddy for such greet songs and prformances on your first concert in Helsinkii. Though the funs including myself thought the time ( about 2 hours) was shorter than we saw t from advertisment on website. However, it is not your fault. I think th organizer might deal with you. I would like personally would like to see your concert again!! Thank you and have a nice trip to Rome.