Jul 18th, 2014 show in Houston Texas was exceptionally amazing show. Fans drove from Dallas, Austin and San Antonio to Houston to be part of this historic show. 10 years ago during ESFNA annual sport and cultural celebration because of circumstances it was unforgettable historic show for Teddy Afro. On that particular day Teddy Afro gave a full size performance for the crowd of 60 people in JW Marriot Hotel. Today, after 10 years he gave the same full scale performance in fully crowded hall for his fans. It was a great show. We would like to present our special thanks to our Houstonians fans and all Texans. Special thanks to Dankirar & Meheret who made this show happened.
no words but thanks for the amazing show teddy afro https://www.facebook.com/teddyafroofficial
Tedy Afro – the soul and spirit of Ethiopia, the conscience of this generation !!!