Teddy Afro – Alegeded (Live!) (Ethiopian Music) [youtube width=600 height=400]gAgzEBpZeXk[/youtube] More from my siteHistoric “Tikur Sew” Show at Nelson Mandela Square Sandton ConventionAnother Best Show In MinnesotaTeddy Afro at BB King NYCTeddy Afro Live in London Olympic 2012Teddy Afro Performing on Wuleta Concert to Support Abebe Melese Artist Tamrat Desta Passed Away
Teddy the best singer I ever heard!
Teddy is just a man of bad days. Best person.
ቴዲ ማለት በጣም የተረጋጋ ፍቅርን የሚያስቀድም እና ሀገሩን የሚወድ የምርጦች ምርጥ ነው::
I love songs