By Elias Gebreselassie
Teddy Afro celebrated the launch of his new album, Tikur Sew, on June 5th, with a CD Release party at the Hilton Hotel. More than 600 people attended, including dignitaries, local and international media, trade partners, consumers, and fans of Teddy Afro, according to the album’s exclusive sponsor. Teddy Afro is the most popular musician of our time in Ethiopia and this was a most awaited major public appearance for him as his last Album release was almost seven years ago.
Tikur Sew has been very successful since its launch last Easter and is the result of a collaborative partnership between Teddy Afro, the promoters of thealbum, Adika Communications & Events Plc and its exclusive sponsor, Meta Beer. This has been the biggest collaboration ever for an Ethiopian artist with a significant investment from Teddy Afro, the promoters and Meta Beer.
The launch and CD release party was spectacular; packed with performances by renowned Ethiopian poets and dramatists such as Teferi Alemu and Abebe Balcha, with music performances by respected Ethiopian singer Gash Abera Molla. The audience was totally awed by a biographical video clip on the life of Teddy Afro followed by an epic rendition of the Battle of Adwa both in video and with a sketch on stage by Kererto, also known as Shelella. The high point of the evening was the arrival of Teddy Afro performing a unique track which made all the guests excited. Present amongst the audience were the “Arbegna”. In his speech Teddy Afro urged all to show love to one another and prayed that his new album continues to bring joy to his numerous Ethiopian fans.
Ethiopians as a people are very proud of their culture especially in the areas of music and dance, which forms a very strong part of the rich Ethiopian heritage. Music and dance are used as a means of expressing that valiant and inspiring Ethiopian spirit which was abundantly displayed at the Teddy Afro launch and CD Release Party. Equally exciting was the fact that Meta Beer proudly associated itself with such glamorous Ethiopian culture in line with the claim of being a true Ethiopian Beer.
Teddy Afro’s musical success has been credited to the powerful messages conveyed through his songs that touch the fabric of the Ethiopian people. He has been compared to many music legends over the world, in part because of his ability to bring a patriotic, spiritual, and rhythmic presence to his listeners. Teddy is also noted for his inspirational support for other young and upcoming artists in Ethiopia. Look out for the forthcoming Meta Teddy Afro’s live concert in Addis Ababa followed by further regional concerts.
Meta is very proud of its brand and the role it plays in the celebration of everyday life and aims to provide great experiences for consumers while encouraging responsible choices around alcohol consumption.
Since the acquisition of Meta Abo Brewery in January 2012, Diageo has brought a significant investment into Ethiopia. Diageo has upgraded the existing brewery, improved the working conditions for its employees and invested in the local community.
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